Saturday, September 7, 2013

Bleached Anemone?

I was looking at old pictures of my anemone and noticed how much color they had when I first got them.  Articles like this one and this one suggest that they my anemones could be bleached.

The anemone seem to be doing relatively well in that they've found places to settle and haven't moved in months -- and there are plenty of places they could move to for more or less light, and more or less flow.  Their bubbles are also quite prominent, even more so than when I first got them.  On the downside, while the tips still have a pinkish color, the rest of the anemone is fairly colorless, whereas before they had both red and green coloration.  Also, they've shrunk a little bit, though not that much.  I've been feeding them some krill once a week, and they eat it.

However, I'm beginning to suspect that my light might be too weak.  I've had my AI Sol's set at 20% intensity for white, blue, and royal blue colors.  Looks like folks on Reef Central set the intensity in the 50% range.  So for the past couple of days I dialed up the intensity of all three colors to 30%.  We'll see how it goes.

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